The Books

Honor to the Patron...

And Glory to the Good

Desperate to earn her place amongst the Order of Valchirii, Tullia offered her eye for the Gift of magic.Donning that helmet promised grand missions, protecting the innocent, upholding the Good... anything but guarding rich Merchants and their spoiled sons.Patrin, a talkative, lyre obsessed annoyance, is Tullia’s latest assignment, but a journey across the country lands them in the hands of the Valchirii’s mortal enemies - Conquro slavers from the east.Tullia’s magic and swordsmanship prove less effective than her sharp mind and quiet tongue, but none of it can keep her from the arena sands.
Drowning beneath a crowd screaming for death, Tullia must decide if spilling Valchirii blood is a price worth paying to See those she loves again... or if the Greater Good is worth dying for.

More Coming Soon...